PEC Minutes - February 2017

Minutes of Parish Education Committee Meeting – February 16, 2017

A. Call to order

  • Meeting Called to Order at 7:08 PM
  • Present:  Jason Borkowski, Luisa Cenedese, Derek Christo, Deborah Harms, Megan Bolton, Chris Brant, Father Anthony Ho       
  • Absent: Viola Baptista, Layna Neilson

B. Opening Prayer

  • Opening Prayer led by Deborah Harms

C. Review of January 10, 2017 Minutes

  • Minutes of the January 10, 2017 meeting were approved by email.

D. Discussion Items

1. Chairperson’s Update:

  • Parking lot enhancement: despite having been painted a few years ago, the lines and other markings in the parking lot have faded considerably.  Also several years ago the parking lot was assessed by a traffic and safety expert who recommended safety rules regarding the crosswalk, drop-off lane, and parking areas.  At that time a map of the parking lot showing the new rules was presented to parents.  However, many drivers in the school parking lot fail to adhere to these rules.  Improved lines and markings, as well as the use of safety cones will help.  Chris will obtain quotes for parking lot painting to be presented later this spring and Jason will remind parents of the parking lot safety rules via email and/or at the AGM.
  •  Luisa presented a brief summary of the last Parish Council Meeting; highlights include:
    • Many Catholics now reside in Zion Manor, this has increased a need for ministry
    • There are 8 adults and 10 children in the RCIA program who will be receiving Sacraments this Easter season
    • Very limited number of new members in the CWL, ladies are encouraged to join
    • KofC Shopping Card program has contributed over $5,000 towards the new organ purchase, everyone is encouraged to continue supporting the program.
    • There will be a Cat Chat concert at our parish on June 1st.
    • The Parenting Course is going well, more parenting programs will be held in future.
    • The website is a wonderful resource, similar to Netflix but containing all Catholic content.  There is a monthly subscription fee for users who can sign up individually or as a parish. 

2. Principal’s Update

  • The Open House went well and was well attended despite the snowy weather.
  • Enrollment for 2017-18 is going well.  There is a possibility that there may be two Kindergarten classes depending on the total number of applications received.
  • A new international family with 3 students is interested in coming to CCS in September; this could mean an additional student over the class limit for grade 1 for the first few months of the school year until another international student returns home.  In order to allow the family to keep their children together at the school a temporary increase to the class size is approved.
  • Earlier in the year Jason presented some updates to the wording of the Uniform Policy.  These updates will simplify the wording of the policy making it easier to manage and enforce the policy.  There are no changes to the policy itself.   Jason will finalize the wording to be approved via email prior to February 28th.  The new wording will be included in the acceptance packages.
  • Tuition: due to salary increases and rising costs a small tuition increase per category is likely.  Jason and Derek will present projections at the March meeting.
  • Snow days: Some parents were not happy that the school was open after recent snow.  The principal must determine if school will be open or not during snowy weather.  This is a difficult decision and the safety of staff, students and families must be considered.   Parents are always encouraged to stay home if they do not feel they can safely get their children to the school.
  • After recent parent complaints on his personal Facebook page Jason reconsidered his use of Facebook.  Many principals prefer to not use Facebook in order to avoid online interactions with parents.  Using Facebook allows Jason to be a part of our online parent community, and his updates regarding school closures were seen by many parents before the information was available on the school website.  Jason will continue to use Facebook and will continue his practice of not engaging in online complaints/discussion regarding the school.

3. Financial Report

  • The budget to date was presented
  • Everything is on track for the year as budgeted.

4. Family Service Update

  • As discussed at past meetings an online system to track hours would be beneficial.  Jason and Chris will speak to schools already using online systems to gather information.

5. Maintenance Update

  • Chris presented 3 quotes for the New Window project
  • Chris made a motion to hire AJ Glass and Windows to do the Window replacement at a cost of $33,274.50.  The motion was seconded by Derek.  All were in favor so the motion was carried.  The work may be completed during spring break or the summer holidays when the school is not in use.  Fundraising funds will be used to pay for this project.
  • The February Work Bee had a very low turn-out due to the snowy weather.  The volunteers who did attend were able to do a lot of snow removal and prepare for the Open House.

6. Parent Fundraising Group (PFG) Update

  • The Gala preparations are in full swing.
  • The Gala is on March 4th and tickets are available now.  There are only 150 tickets in total so those interested in attending are encouraged to buy their tickets ASAP
  • In order to help raise funds, a 4th reserved parking spot will be auctioned this year.

7. Secretary Report

  • New Website: PEC members are asked to submit a photo for the school website.
  • Some parents may like to provide feedback about the new website, a feedback link may be added
  • Staff have already received training in updating areas of the website, PEC members will also receive training.
  • The new locked filing drawer is ready in the office.  Deborah will prepare the PEC files to go in the drawer.
  • In order to avoid incomplete information, acceptance packages will not be accepted unless fully complete.  PEC members may assist the office in receiving acceptance packages to ensure they are complete, incomplete packages will be returned to families.

8. Vice-Chair Report

  • Viola recently attended a CISVA workshop where HR Policy updates were presented.  As she was absent from the meeting she will present information from the workshop via email or at the next meeting.

E. Closing Prayer

  • Led by Deborah Harms

F. Meeting Adjourned

  • Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM following the in-camera session.