Current 2024 Fundraisers

Mabel’s Labels

Do you need labels for your child's uniform pieces or gear? Did you know ordering them through Mabel's Labels supports CCS? Every order through Mabels gives 20% back to CCS. t

Community Values

Sept 16 and ends Oct 1

Over $6,500 in local savings

A blind bag with collectable Coop Mystical key chain with every book sold

Find a golden coop and receive a DQ kids meal

Every 2 books sold receives a DQ ice cream sandwich OR Dilly Bar

Top Selling Student will receive 4 tickets to a Vancouver Giants Game

Top Selling Class with money and books in on time will win a Field Trip to the Vancouver Zoo!

If every student sells 2 books, our school will earn $7252!

Sun-Oka Fruit Farms

Supporting our fundraiser is as easy as ... Apple Pie!

 There are TWO WAYS you can choose to support our fundraiser...

1) You can buy some delicious apples for yourself

Freshly harvested

Premium varieties

Award-winning quality

Below grocery store prices

2) You can share our sale with family and friends. It's quick and easy AND it will save you up to $6 off each box you purchase

Fully online sales platform

Simply share a link via email or text message

No money or paper forms to handle

No record-keeping required

It takes less than one minute to register

Earn discounted pricing on your own purchases

The Parent Fundraising Group

The Parent Fundraising Group (PFG) coordinates all fundraising at Cloverdale Catholic School. Each fall, the Parish Education Committee sets the fundraising goals for the year. The seven members of the PFG Executive Committee - the Chair, Co-chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Volunteer Coordinator, Public Relations and Returning Officer - are responsible for planning and executing projects and events for the school year to reach the goals outlined by the PEC.

The PFG meets monthly (watch for our meetings on the school calendar and on Facebook!) and all parents are welcome to attend and participate.

With your help, we'll:

  • Contribute to school needs and improvements

  • Support and enrich the educational experiences of students

  • Work closely with the principal, teachers and staff to improve life at Cloverdale Catholic School

  • Encourage parent involvement in school initiatives

  • Build a strong, supportive community

Learn more about the PFG here: Parent Fundraising Group Policy Manual

Meet your PFG Members

Fran Mcnee

Rosalie Caffrey

Jennifer Inkman

Tammy Barnes
Volunteer Coordinator

Melanie Kelemen

Kat Meade
Public Relations

Megan Poulin
Returning Officer

The CCS Totally 90’s Gala was a huge success!

We extend our sincere appreciation to our numerous sponsors, CCS families, corporate donors, volunteers, and all attendees of this year’s Gala.

Your invaluable contributions were instrumental in making this event an outstanding success. The Gala Committee dedicated countless hours to crafting a community event while achieving significant fundraising milestones for our school.

Your generosity will empower CCS to continue providing the resources and programs our children deserve. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to recreate this magic again in March 2025.

2024 GALA Sponsors & Corporate Donors:

Contact your Parent Fundraising Group

We'd love to hear your feedback and ideas on how we can work together to support Cloverdale Catholic School.