Gala Donations Urgently Needed

Good morning families!

The PFG is working hard to prepare for the Gala on April 15th. A big part of the Gala’s success depends on goods and services donated for the auction. We have very few donations right now and are really hoping that there are families in our school or family friends that can consider donating a good or service. If you have a business or know someone who has a business and can help out in any way that would be much appreicated! The PFG will gladly accept any goods that are new and can be used for auction items!

We are hoping for a successful gala for our school so that we can continue to provide our students with much needed equipment and programs. Our robotics sessions were a huge hit with the kids and we would love to be able to continue to provide this for them, but due to cost this program will only be able to run with fundraising moneys. As well, our technology (chromebooks, projectors, smartboards, ….) is aging and in need of replacement as is much of our sports equipment.

If you have any donations or if you need more information/ have questions, please contact Thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity!

God bless,

C. Heah